Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Hello bloggers.

This weeks assignment-  read the following blog entries.

And submit a WRR (Weekly Writing Report) by next Wednesday.

Additionally, be sure to follow all your classmates (remember Feedly can make following all the blogs a little easier).  I want to be seeing comments!

And I want everyone to follow The Bloggess.  (

And be sure to post your media addresses/handles etc. if you havnt done it yet.

Let me know if you have any questions

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Creating Your Social Media Presence

 OK Peeps
This week's assignment builds on last week's assignment - where you gathered information and posted it on the discussion board regarding the different types of social media and what they are best used for. So, this week, you are going to establish and organize your own social media presence that you will be maintaining for this course.

Each student should have a blog and at least three other social media accounts which will support the purpose of your blog. Hopefully you can now see the purpose of last weeks assignment. I don't want you to just pick three forms of social media that you currently know and use and say, "OK, I'm doing a blog about X and I'm gonna use Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest because I like those." I want you to really think about what your blog is going to be about and what you're trying to achieve with it, then consider the best uses of the different forms of social media and use that information to decide which social media forms will best support the purpose of your blog. For the purpose of this course I am including a website as a form of social media. When we next meet in person we will discuss the ways in which this is not a social media but why it's being included for this class.

You may use social media that you have already established if it will work to support your blog, or you can create new accounts, or you can embrace a whole new form of social media that your haven't used before.  It's your call.

Additionally, I want you each to create a social media plan. You will decide how often you're posting to your blogs and how often you are posting to your other forms of social media. You will also identify one skill area that you want to develop that will enhance your social media presence. For example, if you were doing something on fashion perhaps you might want to increase your photography skills to take better pictures to post. If you have a blog to sell your photographs, perhaps you want to improve your understanding of how you can use the media commerce tools to make sales on social media. If you want to have a website and you're not happy with the templates, perhaps you want to learn some basic HTML coding. It's up to each person to decide what skill they really want to work on.

There is a form posted on the LMS for you to fill out and submit that encompasses all of the things that I have described in this blog post.  All of this work must be done this week and your report is due next Wednesday. You will submit it it through the LMS.

Your social media should also be up and running by next Wednesday. Please post links to your social media accounts in comments on this blog. By next Wednesday, we will all begin following each other's social media. If you have any questions you can leave a comment below or you can contact me directly via email.