Saturday, January 23, 2010

Other old fogies chime in on the internet

To comment further on a previous post..I bring you these old friends from the Muppett show.

Friday, January 22, 2010

We are experimenting with creating avatars.  The large one of me in the previous posting was made with meez.  But the smaller ones.

were made with Candybar dollmaker 3

There are lots of applications out there to play with.  They are fun but can also provide an online image/identity that represents you without eliminating all privacy....which can be important for safety as well a comfort these days.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Avatar

Meez 3D avatar avatars games

It's fun making electronic mes!  It's like a cross between dieting fantasies and playing with dolls.  So here's how I would look if I stuck to the diet.

New class New resolve

Didn't keep up with the postings in the last class - although I did read everyone’s blog. I will do better this term! (I can't gripe at the students for not posting if I don't :) Teaching technotrends is making me resurrect some technology I haven’t been using in awhile. My blog, my twitter account, my IMVU. It's alot of fun. I love all of these different ways to keep in touch with people. I am running around like crazy all the time and it's easy to lose touch with people. The down side is that I spend more and more time just keeping up with my accounts. Have I responded to everyone's tweets? If they involved an email address, I have to do it when I am at the computer because my old sidekick won't let me get online from my phone. How behind am I in facebook? 287 emails. Have I posted to my blog? you say? I have not time to work, I am too plugged in!

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures